Minimum wage rates increase from 1 April 2023
Voluntary NI Contributions – check whether it is worth making them BEFORE 5 April 2023
Large Research and Development Partnerships: further innovation funding available
New SMS service launched on HMRC helplines
Landscape Recovery: get ready for the second round
Environmental land management schemes: details of actions and payments
What is Inheritance Tax and what can I do about it?
Upcoming HMRC tax webinars for the self-employed
Get prepared for the changes to how self employment and partnership profits will be taxed
Farming News: Further funding available to improve productivity, sustainability and resilience
My goldfish died... and other excuses that won't get you off filing your tax return on time!
Apply for National Insurance credits if you’re a parent or carer
Time to Pay Arrangements: Act now if needed
Farming Diversification Tax
New Year; New VAT Penalties
Find Your Next Apprentice in One Day - York Racecourse, 8th February 2023
Register of Overseas Entities: tips to speed up the process
Cyber security guidance for small businesses
Northern Max Business Accelerator
Help to Grow: Digital scheme - closes to new applications on 2 February