The Office for National Statistics have created a tool to explore how a selected product or service is used in the UK economy, and the wider effects of changes in final demand for a product.
The tool explores the use of different goods and services (or “products”), by UK industries. It can be used to understand which industries are the biggest users of a selected product in their production.
It also shows which goods and services are required to produce other products and which of these goods and services are produced in the UK or imported.
You can also explore how the economy would be affected if final demand for your selected product were to rise or fall. Final demand includes consumer purchases, capital investment, government and exports.
Take a look and use the tool here: https://www.ons.gov.uk/economy/nationalaccounts/supplyandusetables/articles/howdodifferentindustriesandproductsaffecttheukeconomy/2025-03-05