Box 1 VAT due on sales and other outputs
In this box you should enter the total VAT you have charged on all supplies of both goods and services in the period recovered by the return. This is known as Output VAT.
This box should also include any VAT due under the reverse charge either on services from a supplier based outside the UK or work you have had done under the domestic reverse charge for construction services. If you import goods and use postponed import VAT accounting the Output Tax part also needs to be included in Box 1.
In addition to your supplies you make from your core business activities, there may be other supplies to include in Box 1. Examples are:
Fuel scale charge
Goods which you take out of the business or on VAT deregistration
The sale proceeds from the sale of plant and machinery or other assets
Gifts of goods costing more than £50
Box 2 VAT due in the period on acquisitions of goods
Entries in box 2 should only be made for goods bought in Northern Ireland where the supplier is from an EU member state.
Box 3 Total VAT due
Box 3 is the total amount of Output VAT due for the period covered by the return. This is the total of Boxes 1 and 2 added together.
Box 4 VAT reclaimed in the period
Box 4 should include VAT recoverable on purchases and supplies received in the period covered by the return. This is known as Input VAT. What Input VAT is recoverable is a complex area and one which is too detailed to include here. HMRC Input Tax Toolkit can be found here. Recoverability of Input Tax can be a complex area as some supplies are blocked from being recovered, whereas others are only recoverable in certain circumstance. However, we are always on hand to help with any questions.
You will generally need a valid VAT invoice to support an Input Tax deduction. However, in some situations, HMRC will accept other documentation to support the claim.
Where a business makes both taxable and exempt supplies, the recoverable Input VAT is restricted under the partial exemption rules, meaning just the recoverable amount should be entered in Box 4.
The following are examples of other items which can be included in Box 4:
Reverse charge transactions, both from services from abroad and on construction services
VAT on goods imported, either where Input VAT is paid at the point of entry into the UK or where Postposed Import VAT Accounting is used. Import duty is not recoverable but, subject to normal rules, Import VAT is.
Acquisition of goods from the EU into Northern Ireland
Bad debt relief claims
Box 5 Net VAT to pay to HMRC or reclaim from HMRC
The figure in this box is calculated as the difference between Boxes 3 and 4. Where Box 3 is the higher figure, this is the amount owed to HMRC. If Box 4 is the higher one, this is the VAT repayment to be claimed.
Box 6 Total value of sales and other outputs
Box 6 should contain the total value of sales and other outputs during the return period.
The following should be included, net of VAT:
Fuel scale charge
The net amount of any standard rated, reduced rated, zero rated and exempt supplies
Reverse charge transactions
Any supplies which are outside the scope of UK VAT
Good exported
Supplies to EU countries from Northern Ireland
Box 7 Total value of purchase and other inputs
Box 7 should contain the total of purchases and other inputs. The following should be included, net of VAT:
Business purchases of goods and services which are standard rated, reduced rated, zero rated or exempt. Private purchases and those outside the scope of VAT (such as wages) are not included
Capital assets purchased
The cost of imported goods
Any reverse charge transactions
Supplies from EU countries into Northern Ireland
Box 8 Supplies of goods, and related costs, from Northern Ireland to EU member states
This box should only contain supplies of goods from Northern Ireland to EU countries.
Box 9 Acquisition of goods, and related costs, from EU member states to Northern Ireland
This box should only contain acquisitions of goods into Northern Ireland from EU countries.
If you need help with your VAT, please do not hesitate to contact us.